Managing Lack of Stock

Way of Life didn’t have stock available during high-demand periods. Leads entered their website and couldn’t see any units available.

This was the end of the customer journey for many leads. As a solution, a HubSpot form was embedded when the search results showed that no units were available to rent. The form captures the lead’s information and search preferences. Then the sales team receive a notification that a lead has been entered into the waiting list pipeline in the CRM. These leads are the first to be called when a unit becomes available and it has been showing good conversion rates. The implementation has included other automation such as filtering leads by budget and closing leads whose preferred move in date has passed. This has allowed the sales team to focus on the leads with a higher chance to convert. The solution has reduced the marketing cost as units are offered to the waiting list and sometimes have been let before being advertised.

Client: Way of Life
Benefit: Time savings, reduce advertising costs.
Platforms involved: Wagtail, HubSpot

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